Overview: C is not an object-oriented programming language but C++ is an object-oriented programming language. That's why C++ is bett...

C++ Overview

  • C is not an object-oriented programming language but C++ is an object-oriented programming language. That's why C++ is better than C.
  • C++ is a statically typed, compiled, general purpose, case sensitive, free form programming language,   generic programming and object oriented programming language.
  • Theory:
  • The most important thing to do when learning C++ is to focus on concepts and not get lost in language-technical details. The purpose of learning a programming language is to become a better programmer; that is, to become more effective at designing and implementing new systems and at maintaining old ones. For this, an appreciation of programming and design techniques is far more important than an understanding of details; that understanding comes with time and practice.
  • C++ supports a variety of programming styles. All are based on strong static type checking, and most aim at achieving a high level of abstraction and a direct representation of the programmer’s ideas. Each style can achieve its aims effectively while maintaining run-time and space efficiency. A programmer coming from a different language (say C, Fortran, Smalltalk, Lisp, ML, Ada, Eiffel, Pascal, or Modula-2) should realize that to gain the benefits of C++, they must spend time learning and internalizing programming styles and techniques suitable to C++. The same applies to programmers used to an earlier and less expressive version of C++.
Use of C++  
  • C++ is used by hundreds of thousands of programmers in essentially every application domain. This use is supported by about a dozen independent implementations, hundreds of libraries, hundreds of textbooks, several technical journals, many conferences, and innumerable consultants. Training and education at a variety of levels are widely available.
What is C++?
  • C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias towards systems programming that
  • is a better C,
  • supports data abstraction
  • supports object-oriented programming, and
  • supports generic programming
  • C++ was created as a bridge between \object-oriented programming and C, the world’s most popular programming language for commercial software development. The goal was to provide object-oriented design to a fast, commercial software development platform.
  • C was developed as a middle ground between high-level business applications languages such as COBOL and the pedal-to-the-metal, high-performance, but difficult-to-use Assembler language. C was to enforce “structured” programming, in which problems were “decomposed” into smaller units of repeatable activities called procedures.
  • Here is a set of ‘‘rules’’ you might consider while learning C++. As you get more proficient you can evolve them into something suitable for your kind of applications and your style of programming. 
  • By now, many people have been using C++ for a decade. Many more are using C++ in a single environment and have learned to live with the restrictions imposed by early compilers and firstgeneration libraries. Often, what an experienced C++ programmer has failed to notice over the years is not the introduction of new features as such, but rather the changes in relationships between features that make fundamental new programming techniques feasible. In other words, what you didn’t think of when first learning C++ or found impractical just might be a superior approach today. 
C provide features Like 
  1. Encapsulation
  2. Inheritance
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Data hiding
  5. Exception Handling
  6. Data Abstraction
        • Encapsulation 
                  Encapsulation is to put data, properties, and functionality of an object at one place and that                  place  is known as a class. A class is like a structure which we have already studied in C                      tutorial.   In Encapsulation   principle or feature  the class contains variable, function etc  . this             is  one of the  main features of OOP.
        • Inheritance
                  It is a process of inheriting properties and functionality of current class into a new class.
                  In simple words to use variable and function of current class into a new class.
        • Polymorphism
             There two type of  Polymorphism
        1. Compile time Polymorphism
        2. Runtime time Polymorphism
                 Compile time Polymorphism: It is Polymorphism which occurs at compile time like function              over loading.
                Runtime time Polymorphism: It occurs at runtime like Function overriding
        • Data hiding
                  This technique which is  used in object-oriented programming (OOP) to hide object's                             properties and functionality(member variable, member function)
        •  Exception Handling
                When a program is designed as a set of modules, error handling must be considered in light of            these modules. Which module is responsible for handling what errors? Often, the module that              detects an error doesn’t know what action to take. The recovery action depends on the module            that invoked the operation rather than on the module that found the error while trying to                      perform    the operation. As programs grow, and especially when libraries are used extensively,            standards for handling errors (or, more generally, ‘‘exceptional circumstances’’) become                      important.
        • Data Abstraction
                 Modularity is a fundamental aspect of all successful large programs. It remains a focus of all              design discussions throughout this book. However, modules in the form described previouslare            not sufficient to express complex systems cleanly. Here, I first present a way of using modules            to  provide a form of user-defined types and then show how to overcome some problems with              that approach by defining user-defined types directly.

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